David Annenberg and Carole Freeman Family History and Genealogy Website


This page gives the links to David's Family


These are David's main lines.

Annenberg Information Page      These pages are meant to link all of the information we have about the various branches of the Annenberg Family in the hope that someone can make the connection

Baron Information Page               These pages are about Shimon and Bila Baron. The family came from Stanislaw Poland and Tyrolean Austria

Berkowitz Information Page        These pages are about the Berkowitz  family from Eishyshok Lithuania, New York City and the Springfield  Massachusetts, .metropolitan area

Cohen Information Page               We have at least 4 different connections to the Cohen Name.

Jacobson Information Page         These pages have information mostly about the Jacobson Family but also the Parizky, Raskin and Bkuma Families.

Newman Information Page           These pages have information about the Newman, Neyman, Naimyn, Rodov and Cohen families.

Schussler Information Page          These pages have information about the Schussler, Kummel and Hertzfeld famlies.

Shlansky Information Page           These pages have information about the Shlansky and Shlanski famiies.

Wollman Information Page            These pages have information about the Wollman, Boneparth, Cohen, Shapiro, Stein an Kaplan families.

Yanklevich Information Page         These pages have information about the Yanlevich and Jacobs families.



These are the families that are related by marriage to David

Asner Information Page               These pages are about the Actor Ed Asner and his family from Eishyshok Lithuania

Bartley Information Page             These pages are about the Bartley, Boland, Donovan, Ryan and Carey Families from Leeds, Yorkshire and Sheffield Yorkshire England, Fermoy, County Cork, Ireland and New York City.

Mulfeld Information Page               These pages have information about the Mulfeld, Muhfeld, Feier, Feuer, Brode, Roven and Rovinsky Families. The Pomerantz is related  to this family as well

Paikowsky Information Page        These pages have information about the Paikowski, Paikowsky, Garber, Gariepy and Berkowitz Families.

Sheil Information Page                  These pages have information about the Sheil, Maher, Meehan, Walpole and Noonan Families


David and Carole Wedding Photos            These are some of our Wedding Pictures



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Information on our website

Documentation Page                                This page show's how we document our information.

Information Pages                                     This page provide links to the families via family groups

In Laws Page                                             This page show's where the in-laws fit into our family.

Photo Page                                                Please check out some of the photo's we have posted

Privacy Notice                                            Please read our Privacy Notice

Research Page                                         This is our Main Research Page. It  will take you to the various Research information, links and suggestions

Reference Material Page                        This page shows some of our Reference Material

Search Page                                             This is our Search Page

Story Page                                                 This is our Story Page

Website Additions and Updates Page   Please check this page for any new or changed information.

Home Page

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This page was lasted updated on:  January 18, 2015 08:46:01 PM -0500